Employing the help of ChatGPT, I was able to successfuly relocate a Docker container from one host to another.
The container in question runs an application that uses a Docker Volume for persistent storage; this decouples the database from the application, so I really only needed to copy the volume to the new host and pull the latest application image to start the container on a new host.
You are a system administrator. Your goal is to copy the volume of an existing Docker container to another host, where the app image will be pulled and the volume mounted to the new container. The old container will be stopped before copying. Write the instructions and each command with expected output. Refer to each host as node1 and node2.
To copy the volume of an existing Docker container from one host (node1) to another host (node2), you can follow these steps. I’ll provide you with the necessary commands and expected outputs:
docker stop <container_name_or_id>
docker run --rm -v <volume_name>:/data -v $(pwd):/backup alpine tar czf /backup/backup.tar.gz -C /data .
scp backup.tar.gz <node2_ip>:<path_on_node2>
backup.tar.gz 100% 1234KB 123.4KB/s 00:10
docker pull <app_image>
<app_image>:latest: Pulling from library/<app_image>
docker run -v <volume_name>:/data -v <path_on_node2>:/backup alpine sh -c "tar xzf /backup/backup.tar.gz -C /data"
docker run -d --name <new_container_name> -v <volume_name>:/path/in/container <app_image>
docker ps
<new_container_id> <app_image> "<startup_command>" 1 minute ago Up 1 minute <new_container_name>
The task I had identified was solved by ChatGPT.
I was able to relocate the data for an application because it was decoupled from the runtime in the container, demonstrating how useful Docker Volumes can be.